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Search results for "water": 31 - 60 / 267
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Waves hitting a breakwater
A snowy Vanhankaupunginkoski waterfall
Waves hitting a breakwater
A waterfall at Mustalampi dam
A lonesome sailboat at Ullswater
Sailboats at Ullswater
Boats at Ullswater
A pier at Ullswater
A pine and the icy Kaitalahti bay
Houses at Kulosaari
Herttoniemenranta district
Herttoniemenranta district
Tervasaari and Katajanokka
Mute swan (Cygnus olor)
Sailboats at Lake Windermeere
M/s Chapman
Autumn colors reflect from the surface of a pond
Uhrilähde spring
Navigation marks in front of Helsinki
Mute swan (Cygnus olor)
Mute swan (Cygnus olor)
Uhrilähde spring
A swan dives
Turia fountain at the Plaça de la Verge
Mountains at Lyngen fjord