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Search results for "ten": 1 - 30 / 53
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A view to nothern Tenerife
A roof and a view to northern Tenerife
An abandoned tennis court at Kiljava hospital
Château Frontenac
Traffic on the Sörnäisten rantatie
The department store Kaufhaus des Westens in Berlin
Windows at Sörnäisten Rantatie 4
The Statue of Liberty (Liberty Enlightening The World)
Stairs at Mustainveljestenkuja
Tram 10 at Johanneksenkirkko stop
A road in the Teide valley
Los Roques and the Teide
Teide from the valley
Waves hitting a breakwater
Teide seen from Pico del Ingles
Waves hitting a breakwater
Teide and the village of Santiago del Teide
A road in a moon scenery
A road
A colibri flower
A flower after rain
Teide seen from El Portillo village
A road in the moon scenery
A moon scenery
Teide seen from the Anaga peninsula
Teide's slope
Teide summit
A valley at the Anaga peninsula