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Search results for "luonto": 31 - 60 / 63
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Hare's-tail Cottongrass grows on Porkkala's rocky shore
A dandelion in a field of dandelions
A spider building a cobweb
Cliffs worn out by the Oulankajoki river
The Oulankajoki river
A vineyard and the Alpilles
Scenery worn out by the Kitkajoki river
Skyscrapers bordering the Central Park
Birch trees
Scenery from the Kiljamo observation tower at Torronsuo national park
Scenery from the outlook tower at the nature path in Valkmusa national park
Leaves in a tree
Leafy trees from the frog perspective
Uutela nature trail
A formation in the bedrock
Palokoski rapids
Palokoski rapids
The mill's bridge
Santa's phone booth and a snag
A dandelion in a field of dandelions
Lake Märkiö after sunset
A house's ruins
A duck swimming at the edge of the Vanhankaupunginkoski rapids
The municipality border at the Savukoski bridge
The Savukoski bridge
A fisherman at work
A birch and a fir