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A winter time open water swimming place at Marjaniemi beach, Koivusaari islands in the background
Ice covers the South port
The bridge between Iso Mustasaari (Big Black Island) and Pikku Mustasaari (Little Black Island) and the Alexander Nevski church
An old brick wall at the Naval Academy
The classroom building at the Naval Academy
Rocks at Suomenlinna and Southern Helsinki
A view from the hills of Länsi-Mustasaari to the south
Swans in front of Länsi-Mustasaari
One of the first swans this spring
A swan in front of Southern Helsinki
A beacon and a view from Länsi-Mustasaari to the south, Harmaja light house at the far right
A beacon at Länsi-Musta
The ice cover cracks in front of Länsi-Mustasaari
The officers' club
An old building by the coast
The Alexander Nevski church and an old russian barracks
A building's back yard
Katajannokka and the icy South port
The South port by dusk seen from the sea
Santa's phone booth and a snag
A dead dried tree
Vuomapää's slope
Shapes in the snow on the slope of Vuomapää, Saariselkä's other hills in the background
Arctic hills at Saariselkä and Sompio
Top of the river Kemi at Rovala village